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Messenger Distribution Provides Hope to Persecuted Indigenous Communities in Venezuela and Brazil

September 2024

In December 2023, In Touch Ministries partnered with Frontline Missions to provide Messengers to the Taurepan people, an Indigenous community in South America. With a population of over 30,000, they live in Venezuela, Brazil, and Guyana.

Thanks to the support and partnership of In Touch, Halima can bring hope to the Taurepan and is making vital connections to reach additional indigenous communities in Brazil and Venezuela with the Gospel.

Facing discrimination and dispossession of their traditional lands in Venezuela, many Taurepan have fled to Brazil, seeking safety. Halima, a ministry worker with Frontline, disciples believers who have committed to staying in their country, even amid adversity. Whether she is leading church services, or traveling village to village, home to home, the Messenger is the Taurepan's sole source of biblical content and a vital discipleship tool for those still enduring persecution in Venezuela.

Complete Southeast Asia Collection

August 2024


A Transformed Life Shining the Light of Christ

August 2024

With hands that have done this countless times, Mr. K gingerly picks up the hard, spiky durian and puts it on the table. He swings a small machete into the smelly fruit, cracking it open and offering its contents to guests who’ve visited his family compound.

A warm, kind man, Mr. K enjoys welcoming people to his property, on which sits a new building called a “house of prayer.” Neighbors have had their share of suspicions toward Mr. K, who no longer follows the predominant religion of the area, Hinduism. But they also know there’s something different about him, in a good way. His reputation grew when people noticed a marked change in his demeanor. No longer could he be heard yelling in arguments with his wife. Mr. K is now a “man of peace,” and even Hindus who once wanted to force him to move are slowly warming up to their presence. The work of the Holy Spirit in Mr. K’s family is truly evident for all to see.


A Welcome Filled with Joy

August 2024

Villagers robed in red, white, and yellow checkered patterns dance and sway to the music coming from a karaoke machine in the corner of a partially finished church building. They sing “You are welcome here,” pulling guests from the U.S. forward to dance alongside them. The pastor couple of this church, Randy and Rosita, smile and clap along—they’ve been waiting for this moment for a while now. The visitors are responsible for helping with funds to support this church, a little over three years old and growing.

When the music dies down, Rosita, who speaks English, addresses the group: “In the beginning, we had a house church. With the help of Pastor Sandy and Pastor Alex, and of course you our friends, you’ve helped us to start this small church. We’re so thankful to welcome you here. We’re very happy to see you in person finally.” And the visitors smile back, thankful for the reminder that the Body of Christ extends to every corner of the earth.


Like Father, Like Son … Living Sacrifices

August 2024

The doors to an all-wheel drive truck open at the top of a rocky path and out pops Dave. The son of pastor and evangelist Alex, Dave often serves as a translator for ministry guests of his father as they travel through remote areas on the island of Mindanao. He works tirelessly to relate dozens of testimonies of Filipinos whose lives have been transformed through listening to the Word of God.

Dave has a full-time job and has started a family of his own (he and his wife welcomed their first child into the world about a year ago). Trips into the jungle cost him what little free time he has, but he considers serving alongside his father a joy. He’s honored to follow in Alex’s footsteps. And Alex beams with pride when he talks about Dave and his other children. “One of the greatest accomplishments a father can do,” he says, “is to raise godly children.”


An Awakening of Their Faith

August 2024

As the afternoon sun cast long shadows, Ian walks through large garbage hills in the dump outside El Salvador. A local pastor, Ian leads people from all walks of life—including the residents who live near the dump and make a meager living from it. They go through what they can, salvaging metal, wood, and plastic to sell for recycling. Recently six of these families started attending his open-air church on a mountain overlooking jungle on one side and ocean on the other.

The Messenger has transformed his ministry to these people. Pastor Ian already sees a need for additional audio Bibles because “they really help with an awakening of their faith to the truth of Scripture,” he says. “Even backsliders are coming to repentance and go back to fellowship with Jesus Christ. The newcomers don’t have audio Bibles yet, so we need more.”


The Power of Language Translations

August 2024

God has been faithful to Santi. In an area of Indonesia where Islam is pervasive, Santi raised her daughter, Indah, to know Jesus Christ. But life is lonely when you feel disconnected from the majority view in your neighborhood, and Santi had few people to talk to and fewer still to share her life with. On top of that, her church used a dialect that Santi struggled to comprehend.

Then Santi received a Messenger audio Bible. The scripture was in her native dialect! Now she could understand the intricacies of God’s hope and love. Her joy was multiplied. Today Santi listens throughout the day to God’s Word as He comforts and shapes her. She’s no longer so alone. Her neighbors know her now as a woman of peace and wisdom, and they come to her to ask for prayer.


Whenever I have a problem, I run to the Word

July 2024

About three years ago a woman visited Amelita’s village and gave her a Messenger audio Bible. It wasn’t the first Bible Amelita owned, but it became essential to her walk in Christ. Amelita runs a small shop in her village that specializes in convenience items. When we met her she was pregnant with her first child.

She told us that her print Bible was often overlooked in her hurry to get the shop ready each morning. But there was joy on her face as she talked about the Messenger. She listens to it as she busies herself with the store. The Word of God has brought significant change to her life, and she’s grateful for the accessibility and comprehension she gains with the Messenger Bible. “Whenever I have a problem, I run to the Word,” she says. “I listen to it and continue to trust the Lord.”


The Messenger Brings God’s Word to Life

July 2024

Dhandhen sat in her home, troubled by the problems of her life. She experienced suffering in many ways and was just desperate enough to receive the village pastor. As Pastor Danny returned again and again, comforting her with God’s Word, Dhandhen began to experience change from within. In time, her external challenges began to improve in light of the hope she now had in Christ.

But Dhandhen’s mother still worshipped idols. She would insult Dhandhen whenever the daughter tried, like Danny, to introduce her to the Word of God. But Dhandhen persisted. Now the mother has a Messenger audio Bible and is joyfully serving in the church. “I am so thankful that I received your audio Bible because [I don’t always] have time to study the Bible with her.”

Today, like her pastor did with her, Dhandhen visits homes in a nearby village, patiently introducing people to Jesus. “Through the audio Bible (we have) access and we can communicate with other people,” she says. “They let us come into their house because of the (Messenger).”


From a Life of Sin to a Life of Service

July 2024

God rescued Danny from several vices that controlled his life. “I was a drunkard before, a smoker, and a gambler … but now, through the power of God, I am changed.” Soon Danny sensed a call from the Holy Spirit to be a pastor. At the time he worked in construction, laboring to care for his parents and siblings. His father had become blind, and it was Danny’s burden to help them. But while his desire was noble, his prayers soon revealed that he wasn’t relying entirely on God for his family’s needs. 

Newly dedicated to his training, Danny met and fell in love with Cheryl, a classmate in Bible school. The couple married and moved from the city to a remote village called Paradise. There, for 22 years, Danny and Cheryl formed a church and expanded to plant five additional congregations. Idol worship is a way of life for many people in these communities, but with the Messenger audio Bible, Danny and Cheryl are reaching their neighbors and seeing lives changed because of God’s Word of love. And they want to continue their outreach until there is a church in all 27 villages around them.


God has a Message

July 2024

Several years ago, Rubelyn battled breast cancer and a tumor in her cervix, leading to an issue of bleeding. She came to Christ as a young woman but was in a season of wandering where certain temptations had a hold on her. One of her children said, “Mother, maybe God has a message for that sickness.” So Rubelyn went away from her home to the mountains to pray. She asked God for healing and for her bleeding to go away.

Today, though she still has many physical struggles, Rubelyn recalls all that God has done to heal her and love her. The illness got her attention, and Christ used it in her life to draw her closer to Him. Now she has the Messenger, a tool she calls her “talking Bible.” With it, she walks three hours to a local gathering where she shares her faith with other believers each month. She’s even made a necklace for her Messenger to keep it around her neck as she works in her cornfield. Other farmers notice her in tears as she listens. “I feel the presence of the Lord with me,” she says. “He gives me joy and contentment.”


The Strength to Forgive

June 2024

Alex Montanando thought he was a Christian—after all, since early childhood he’d missed Mass only once. Then a college professor invited him to a Bible study. When he learned about sin and the need for forgiveness, Alex felt the Holy Spirit’s conviction that he’d never truly repented.

On finding out, Alex’s dad beat him and threw him out. But as a new creation, Alex felt empowered to forgive. The two eventually reconciled, and the older man grew to accept his son’s choice—even when Alex went a step further and became a pastor.

Now, decades later, the faith he found as a young adult has been passed on to the next generation. Alex’s adult children join him in ministry work. And though they each struggled at times to make the Christian faith their own, they’re grateful for their father’s example. “What really had the deepest impact was Dr. Stanley’s teaching on forgiveness. It helped me to be healed spiritually and emotionally,” recalls Alex.

When it comes to training young leaders, Alex puts the focus on Scripture. He knows that reaching others for Christ is about far more than leadership and influence. The main factor is that the trainees themselves have tools to “understand and teach God’s Word.”

God is doing mighty things in Southeast Asia.

Barcelona, Spain

Unreached Catalan People Group Receives Vital Discipleship Training

April 2024

The people of Catalonia, Spain are one of the most unreached people groups in the world. So it was a delight for our In Touch teachers to visit the region in September 2023 to lead a Life Principles Conference. The conference addressed the specific discipleship needs of the bi-vocational ministers who live and serve the over ten million Catalonian-speaking people.

Pastor Alberto Lopez shared his gratitude for our visit: "The Life Principles Conference has been a great blessing to us. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we experienced how God uses your ministry to guide and equip fellow brothers in the ministerial mission in our region."

Mbumbuni, Kenya

Life Principles Training in Southern Kenya Prepares Pastors To Serve Their Communities

March 2024

In the Fall of 2023, thirty pastors and youth ministers gathered for a Life Principles Conference in Mbumbuni, Kenya.

Through a local network of ministers, representing five regions in the southeastern part of the country, key leaders were trained to both serve their local congregation and witness to the lost in their communities. Each participant was given a Messenger audio device with an electronic tablet to equip them with theology and discipleship materials


“The training on Life Principles is so simple, yet full of life,” one pastor said. “My spiritual walk has been given a great awakening! My ministry to God’s people has also become enriched with the resources and mentorship received at the training.”

Ingeniero Juárez, Salta-Argentina

85 Church Leaders from Marginalized Communities in Argentina Equipped for Ministry

March 2024

In Touch teachers arrived in Ingeniero Juárez, located in the heart of Salta, Argentina, for a Life Principles Conference in the Fall of 2023. Our focus was to empower the discipleship ministries of indigenous Wichi, Toba, and Charote pastors living in harsh, desert-like climates. They must weather not only difficult living conditions, but persistent social abuse and discrimination. Thanks to God, these ministry leaders found care and guidance through their experience with the conference.

Though 60 pastors were originally invited, 25 additional leaders showed up unexpectedly, underscoring how much these believers yearn for discipleship help. Sixty tablets with Messenger training content were distributed. These will become significant tools for continued learning and growth after the conference.

Pastor Pablo Rodriguez’s testimony echoes the conference’s profound impact: "After listening to the “Adversity” lesson, the Holy Spirit convinced me that answering God’s call is the right decision." And Bishop Crisanto Rojas emphasized the significance and rarity of such teachings, saying, "We need more of these."

In a world where adversity can be despairing and isolating, initiatives like the Life Principles Conference offer a ray of hope, fostering resilience and empowerment among marginalized communities.

Milagro, Ecuador

Empowering Pastoral Leadership in Ecuador

January 2024

Pastors and leaders recently convened for an impactful Life Principles conference in Milagro, Ecuador. The conference drew leaders from surrounding communities such as Yaguachi, Jujan, El Salto, Los Angeles, and Naranjito.

While at the conference, attendees not only received biblical teaching and encouragement, but also Life Principles tablets to help them apply what they learned and enhance their pastoral work.

Pastor Hendrik Calderon, representing the Assemblies of God Ministry in Yaguachi, expressed his gratitude, saying, "I wanted to thank you for the Life Principles lessons and for allowing us to obtain this resource of the tablet. I say this on behalf of myself and the entire group of pastors and workers of Yaguachi. May God be with you always."

Pastor Julio Fajardo from MAS VIDA Baptist Church echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the impact of the conference on his personal and pastoral growth. "I never went to a seminary,” he said, “and what I have received these two days plus the tablet will help me a lot to be a better servant of God.”

As the pastors have returned to their respective communities armed with newfound knowledge and resources, let’s continue to pray for their local ministry and outreach efforts.


23 Leaders Empowered for Spiritual Growth and Transformation

December 2023

Earlier this year we had the privilege of hosting a 2-day Life Principles Conference at our facilities in Atlanta, GA. Our goal was to share biblical teachings and tools with local pastors and leaders in order to encourage their personal growth, help strengthen local churches, and to help prepare their leaders for missions.

Twenty-three people attended the event, including three representatives from In Touch. Together, we delved into essential leadership principles with a focus on practical applications for personal development and strategies for bolstering local churches. At the end, each participant received a Life Principles Tablet, a digital repository of wisdom designed to support their continued growth and spiritual development after the conference.

As participants returned to their roles, the potential for positive change in our local communities was palpable. We look forward to seeing how the Lord will bless their diligent study of His Word.

One participant, Álvaro Parra, said, “I thank Dr. Stanley, who is now with the Lord, and his staff for putting this material together, and that it now serves as a compass for all those like me who have been seeking to correctly teach the word of God.”


40 Leaders Trained on USA-Mexico Border

October 2023

Cities along the USA-Mexico border often struggle with drug cartel problems, immigration issues, and high levels of poverty. These issues are interconnected, and the affected groups need spiritual guidance.

Radio Cadena Manantial operates in the Rio Grande Valley and serves as a communication platform for pastors on both sides of the USA-Mexico border. Its main purpose is to facilitate collaboration between pastors from the USA and Mexico borders, with a focus on aiding Mexican pastors in their outreach efforts.

To encourage and equip area church leaders, Radio Cadena Manantial partnered with In Touch Ministries to organize a two-day Life Principles Conference, bringing together 40 pastors and leaders from both sides of the border. Each participant received an LP Tablet and a Messenger as part of this initiative.

Moisés López expressed his gratitude for the conference, saying, “Thanks to In Touch Ministries for bringing to our region the magnificent biblical teachings through Dr. Charles Stanley’s Life Principles Conference. We and the pastors who attended were extremely pleased with the quality of teaching. I am sure that these principles will define our Christian lifestyle and, at the same time, will have an impact on those of us who minister daily.”


37 Attend Amazonian Life Principles Conference

September 2023

Nestled in Ecuador’s Amazon region, Misahualli is a vital river port with connections to Tena city in the Napo province. A four-hour drive from Ecuador’s capital, Quito, and with a population of 5400, Misahualli was also the site of a recent two-day Life Principles Conference. Hosted at the UNPES Baptist Camp, the conference attracted 37 individuals, mainly from Amazonian communities. We later had the privilege of visiting three local community churches.


62 Pastors Attend Life Principles Conference in Colombia

August 2023

Earlier this year, 62 pastors and leaders attended a Life Principles Conference in the county of Tierralta, located in the Cordoba province of Colombia.

In Touch ministry partner Pastor Nicolas Duarte took the initiative to organize the conference after playing a vital role in last year’s event. He and Pastor Astedien Diaz, as well as their wives, helped gather the leaders from surrounding areas. The dedication of the attendees was evident, as some of them traveled up to eight hours to reach the conference site.

Duarte supplied the participants with Messengers and Life Principles materials, demonstrating his commitment to equipping and empowering rural pastors with valuable tools for their ministry. The attendees expressed their gratitude for the teachings and went home better equipped to meet the spiritual needs of their communities.

“We thank God for the great opportunity to teach Dr. Stanley’s Life Principles to this group of field pastors in the mountains of Tierralta, Cordova,” Duarte says, “We are willing to continue this, God’s work, through the most needed rural territories in Colombia.”


Gospel Leads to Freedom and Reform in Kilns

July 2023

You read that right. Kilns. As in the places where bricks are made. Brick buildings provide protection against Pakistan’s hot, dry climate. Yet conditions within those kilns are anything but cool and comfortable.

Laborers entrapped in cycles of debt work in extreme conditions to repay loans taken from kiln owners at exorbitant interest rates. Despite working 12-14-hour days, their meager wages make it impossible to escape poverty, no matter how many bricks they produce. Not to mention, rampant child labor and exploitation further perpetuates the cycle of poverty, robbing them of a brighter future.

Many of these people have little to no knowledge of Jesus Christ. While Christianity isn’t illegal in Pakistan, it’s not particularly welcomed or celebrated, and many are persecuted for their faith. That’s why we partner with ministries that focus on reaching kiln owners, performing acts of kindness for them and their workers. Because when the owners come to a saving knowledge of Christ, everyone benefits.

On a recent trip, a team from In Touch had the privilege of hearing the miraculous conversion stories of several new believers and saw many be baptized. They also visited the site where our ministry partners are building a discipleship center and equipped them with Messengers in the Urdu language to help new Christians grow in their relationship with Jesus. One ministry partner said, “We are so thankful for your partnership in making life-changing projects like this possible.”


Equipped For Every Good Work

June 2023

We’re grateful to the Lord and partners like you for helping us take the gospel to every continent, using every technology available. Your prayers and partnership are a constant encouragement to us. May the Lord continue to lead us, together, as we seek new opportunities to share the gospel!



Aringa Woman Risks Persecution to Follow Christ

March 2023

Believers living in predominantly Muslim communities often face rejection and hardship. For Aringa believers in the Yumbe District of Uganda, 90% of the people around them are Muslim.

And the other 10%? They believe in witchcraft.

One Aringa woman had been living a promiscuous lifestyle and as a result had six children with different fathers. But when one of her partners shared the gospel with her, she accepted God’s gift of love and salvation.

After her profession of faith, she still struggled with the consequences of her past and feared persecution. She moved far from the Yumbe District, away from the Muslim community and therefore her own children. But after receiving a Messenger device via In Touch ministry partner Calvary Road Ministries, she now expresses her faith more freely. Dr. Stanley’s messages along with encouragement from a Baptist church in Entebbe emboldened her to share her testimony.

Here is a portion of her story in her own words:

“My silence and disappearance disturbed my children so much and they asked the father of two of my children, a Christian by faith, to look for me. When he reached out to me in order to find why I’m isolating myself from my people and my own children, I told him I fear being persecuted for converting to Christianity.

The father of the kids then went to the Baptist Church leadership in Yumbe to narrate my ordeal. He obtained for me a Messenger with complete Bible text in English and Arabic. There is also Christian teaching (messages by Dr. Stanley) of great value to me in the Messenger. Since the time I received the Messenger and a Bible from your church and ministry, I have been able to locate a Baptist church in Entebbe.

I asked for another Messenger which I sent to my children. I strongly believe the Messenger is playing a great role in bridging the gap between me and my children. I am most grateful for having received the Messenger. I cannot thank God and your church enough. I live by the grace of God and far away from my children. May God in his abundance bless you greatly.”


84 Ministry Leaders Equipped to Teach the Bible in the Philippines

March 2023

An estimated 8,000 of the protestant churches in the Philippines are located in the city of Balagtas. But many of the pastors and church leaders there have been leading their congregations with little more than a willing spirit, and were in need of biblical teaching and guidance.

Pastor Alan Ambrocio, a Baptist leader in the area, wanted to provide ministry support for them, so he helped In Touch Ministries host a Life Principles conference in Balagtas.

We trained 44 pastors and 40 church leaders over two days. Each attendee received a Messenger and a Life Principles Tablet with Dr. Stanley’s foundational teachings and other biblical resources to help them lead their churches and communities.

One of the pastors, Dr. Ruben Flor, expressed his gratitude for the conference: “For a long time, we have been waiting for such teachings like the Life Principles. Our churches are in deep need of these refreshing fundamentals. Please come back to bless more pastors the way we have been blessed.”


Islamic Leader Dissatisfied With His Religion, Converts to Christianity

March 2023

As our local indigenous partners in Chad put it, we’ve now got a “big fish in the net!”

This “big fish” is a former Islamic leader from an Arabic tribe who had become dissatisfied with his religion. He struggled with the concept of Muhammad as a “Unique Creation” and longed to know more about the person of Jesus Christ. He began to search for someone who could tell him more about Him.

He met a member of World Mission who led him into a personal relationship with Jesus and gave him an In Touch Messenger full of Dr. Stanley’s messages and Scripture in both Arabic and French. Now, this man’s passion is to spread his newfound knowledge of Jesus with his community.

We rejoice over this man’s salvation and ask for your fervent prayers, as our partner from World Mission noted, “Please pray for him because he is going to face persecution due to his religious status. Pray that God will give us wisdom in helping him to grow in his faith. Pray that God will provide for his upkeeping.”


15 Pastors Inspired by the EMDC Community

December 2022

We recently had the privilege of hosting a Life Principles Conference in partnership with EMDC, a networking community with the goal of equipping the body of Christ to communicate the gospel in culturally-relevant ways, leading to transformed lives.

Fifteen pastors and missionaries attended the conference in Saint Lucia, Mexico. We gave each attendee a Messenger, a mini SD card, and a tablet to aid them in leading their congregations and spreading the gospel. Everyone was grateful for the opportunity to be enriched by such foundational biblical principles.

One of the participants, Pastor Javier Hidalgo, said, “I came to the conference asking, ‘What else could [I] be taught in my life after a long time being a pastor?’ I was wrong. It was a refreshing experience of foundations that I already knew but had forgotten to apply. Thank you, Dr. Stanley and In Touch Ministries.”


Life Principles Conference Helps Strengthen Fractured Churches

December 2022

Many missionaries have helped to grow the Church in Chile. However, what were once large churches have fractured into smaller ones over the years due to a lack of strong leadership, and the pastors and church leaders of these newer, smaller churches have been in desperate need of training in order to lead their congregations.

That’s why we’re so grateful to have recently joined with one of these small churches in Santiago to host a Life Principles Conference. A total of 25 pastors and church leaders from the surrounding areas received training along with a Life Principles Bible, a Messenger, and a tablet.

Pastor Sergio Diaz conveyed his gratitude for the training when he said, “For a long time, we have been craving to explain and teach the truth of the Word. Thank you, Dr. Stanley, for reaching us with this refreshing conference.”


25 Grateful Hearts Impacted by Life Principles Conference

November 2022

We recently had the privilege of visiting Chimaltenango, Guatemala, where 25 local pastors eagerly received biblical teachings, Life Principles tablets, and Messengers at a Life Principles Conference. They felt both refreshed and challenged to share what they learned with their congregations.

One pastor, Glendy de Suruy, expressed his appreciation and zeal for the Lord when he said, “I am so grateful for In Touch Ministries for sharing these resources with us. I am not worthy of such a gift. This will forever impact my life.”


Christians Gain Favor With Parliamentary Leaders

November 2022

Santa Fe de Ralito, Colombia, is the rural home of parliament leader Salvatore Mancuso and many other influential political leaders. We thank God that Christians have gained favor with these leaders due to their testimony for Christ, and over 800 small churches have been developed in the area.

We recently partnered with the Christian group “Friends of Ezra” ​​to share biblical teachings with 35 pastors at a Life Principles Conference in the city. We provided them with Messengers and Life Principles tablets so they could gain biblical knowledge and continue guiding their congregations.

Regarding the conference, Pastor Jairo Mesa said, “I thank God for renewing my strength in ministerial life … I pray that God will continue blessing other pastors as we have been blessed.”


Doubts Put to Rest in Coastal Colombian Town

November 2022

While the small town of San Carlos, Colombia, is spiritually rich and central to a well-organized group of pastors, the community lacks financial resources and the access to formal education, and church leaders have struggled to understand important foundational truths.

Thankfully, with the help of Christian group “Friends of Ezra,” we were recently able to train 39 pastors and church leaders to better share the foundational principles of faith with their congregations at a Life Principles Conference in San Carlos. We also gave each participant a Messenger and a Life Principles tablet—both loaded with Scripture and Dr. Stanley’s teachings—to help them continue growing in knowledge and wisdom.

According to Pastor Einer Lopez, the conference helped the church leaders better understand God’s Word and put to rest many of their doubts.


14 Saved, 10 Baptized in IDP Camp

October 2022

One of our ministry partners and his team at World Mission shared the gospel with a group of 22 internally displaced persons (IDPs). These people live in a camp for those who have been forced to flee their homes and are therefore essentially refugees within their own country.

The team gave the IDPs Messengers full of Dr. Stanley’s sermons and scripture in the Burmese and Nepali languages. One day, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, they spent 8 hours sharing the story of Jesus from Genesis to Revelation. Among the 22 refugees who heard the gospel, 14 of them accepted Jesus as their Savior and 10 of them were baptized immediately after. Hallelujah! We praise the Lord for saving these precious souls!

Remember them in prayer as they seek to follow Jesus while facing political turmoil and various hardships.


70 Pastors Equipped for Ministry

September 2022

What happens when you feel called to ministry but don’t have the tools or preparation to teach others? Our Life Principles Conference helped 70 pastors in Siguatepeque, Honduras receive valuable teachings and a tablet with Scripture and Dr. Stanley’s sermons so they can lead their members.


22 Pastors Inspired by Life Principles Conference

August 2022

A group of 22 pastors from the surrounding cities of Tirana, Albania received two full days of teaching at our Life Principles Conference. After becoming more familiar with Dr. Stanley’s teachings, they were spurred on to continue sharing the good news with their congregations.


Reaching an Islamic Nation

August 2022

We’re equipping church leaders across Islam-dominant Macedonia to teach their congregations through the Life Principles Conference. After receiving teachings and a tablet at a conference in Ohrid, the 21 attendees felt grateful for the support they received. Angel Pavlovi, a church leader in Macedonia, said “this event was very encouraging and thoughtful.”


Hearing the Gospel in Juba Arabic

August 2022

With the help of tools like the Torch and the Messenger, we’re reaching South Sudan with the gospel. See how the people of this young African nation are receiving the good news of Jesus Christ in their heart language of Juba Arabic.


2022 Messenger Lab Update!

June 2022

Get the latest updates about the In Touch Messenger Lab and its impact so far this year. Click the downloadable PDF below to learn more about our global efforts.

Learn more


International pastors equipped to teach and train others

January 2022

We hosted a group of 8 pastors and leaders in the Atlanta metro area for the first time to share the Life Principles training. They were all international pastors from different parts of the world and we had the opportunity to invest in them, train them, and equip them to go back and train other pastors and leaders.

“As new missionaries,” said attendee Erica Campbell, “we are grateful for any resources that will better equip us to serve leaders and believers around the world.”


Thank you, Doris!

November 2021

We had the opportunity to work with a great group of pastors in Meru, Kenya. Our team coordinator, Doris Marete, facilitated all the details and really made this conference a success!

Attendee Samuel Kithole of Kilifi, Kenya, said, “Thank you for teaching me the Life Principles! My intimate relationship with the Lord is closer because of it.”


Two locations, 45 pastors trained

July 2021

We hosted Life Principles Conferences in Reynosa, Mexico, and McAllen, Texas, back in July 2021. We had over 45 pastors in both locations and God did amazing things throughout the conference.

Among the group of pastors in Reynosa Mexico, was Pastor Rafael Cantú, a seminarian who was to become a Catholic Priest. But recently, he received the call to preach the gospel in a small Spanish community. He was invited to attend the Life Principles Conference and was moved to go. He was hesitant, but decided to go anyway. He was looking for an opportunity to learn something because he was worn-out and discouraged.

He said, “The Life Principles Conference was a great experience where I had a fresh encounter with Christ, and the fact that we have to live as true Christians.”


20 Pastors trained over three days

June 2021

We were able to travel to Harare, Zimbabwe, to hold a Life Principles Conference for three days. Twenty pastors from the surrounding area Epworth, Harare, attended.

One attendee, Buhe, said, “The Life Principles course was extremely valuable not only to me but to all the leaders present. I love that it touched on the integral parts of a leader’s life and challenged the way we live. The course reminded us that it’s not about what we say or preach but it’s about allowing the Lord to develop that Christ-like character in us. Most conferences teach us what to do, but this one taught us what to be!”